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Update 9/8/2021

Hey guys, we have been busy here at Banyan Restorations with some exciting new projects and developments! First off, we have a new booth opening at Palladio Antiques in Memphis, TN! Currently we have moved some of our recently restored antique furniture and will soon have a new shipment of items from a trip to Atlanta. Tons of new (well, new to us) furniture, rugs, “pretties,” etc. Come check it out!

outer view of a shop

Second, We have several cool projects we are finishing up, starting with this beautiful Armoire that we have completely restored! After a whole lot of paint stripping, sanding, hardware buffing, replacing mirrors, etc. We are almost done! Here are some images of what it looked like throughout the process:

guy standaing beside cupboard


The bottom piece before we did any work to it….

making of a cupboard

After HOURS of stripping the paint, this is the top piece

And here are two pictures of the top and bottom of the armoire after completion

making of cupboard door

making of cupboard bottom
We have also been working on one of Two new resin river tables that we will be premiering at the Vesta Home Show November 20th – December 12th in Germantown, TN!

banner of vesta home show
making of table

making of table

making of table

making of table

making of table

making of table

making of table

making of table

Here at Banyan Restorations, We are always working on new projects. We even take breaks between big jobs to work on smaller projects, such as tables, dressers, and even charcuterie boards!

making of table

making of table

making of table

making of green table

wooden cutting boards

worker carrying heavy equipment

wood placed in a row

And Finally, You are cordially invited to The Market at Hope Presbyterian Church on September 29th and the 30th! Banyan Restorations will be there offering many of our handmade products for sale including bowls, pens, chessboards, cutting boards, etc. We hope to see you all there!!

@hopechurchwomen, @hopeformemphis

#themarketathope, #shoppingwithapurpose